
Meet Paulina, Founder of B Home

Hi there! I’m Paulina, a professional organizer with a deep passion to see all things in their place. There’s nothing like a neatly organized drawer or a picture perfect row of fluffy towels neatly folded in a linen closet. See, I told you I was passionate! More than the look of organized spaces I love the feeling it gives; peace, joy, and relaxation, not to mention, the pride I feel when my home is meticulously organized. This is the gift I want to give my clients, to maximize their home life and add value to their daily routines with my organizing solutions.

I run after my toddler all day so I know firsthand that the services I provide for busy women and their families are a lifesaver. I mean, no one wants to worry about scrubbing the spaghetti sauce out of the carpet while having to scramble through their kitchen drawers for the right storage container. Even more taxing, is putting playtime on hold because the laundry room is a disaster and those fluffy towels need my immediate attention. I totally understand!


“The first step of getting what you want is having the courage to get rid of what you don’t.”


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My Philosophy

My philosophy is that a well-organized space should be beautiful, functional, and easy to maintain. My number one goal is to organize a picture perfect space, custom tailored to perfectly suit you and your family, in the place I call home, New York, NY.



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